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  1. With our debt approaching 15 trillion why is it that our treasury yield is only paying about 2 percent on the 10 year bond and a little over 3 percent on the 30 year bond? I wouldn’t buy treasuries but is this not a steal for our government? At what point will this reverse? If GDP does not grow what’s the mad dash to cut entitlements? I’m not a believer that government debt is slowing our economy because interest rates are very low. Total debt is the culprit along with the lack of good manufacturing jobs.

    Giving more tax breaks to business will not help so long as China controls their currency and Germany hides behind the Euro. In addition, any kind of tax reform would have to be done very carefully. The 9-9-9 plan is nuts. If the Occupy Wall Street movement continues to flourish, it will become harder for the Tea Party to set their agenda. People are not going to like to have there entitlements cut when they are reminded everyday by the OWS that Wall Street is very greedy.

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