One Comment

  1. Yota, ( Miss America – Suicide .. .. “He,” beating a dead horse .)
    In Italy.

    In Italy,
    the people..,

    “suffer” the Cosa Nostra. ( the Italian Mafia )

    the Italian mafia want to kill a man..,

    they shoot him in the head..,

    they dump the body into the sea.
    When .. ..,

    the Italian mafia want to kill a woman..,
    she.. .. ,

    leaps to her death .. .. from a 7th story window…,

    to be smashed on to the concrete below.

    if she is not killed by the fall..,

    the mafia..,

    drag her back to the “top..,”


    she leaps from the window again.
    Then the Italian Police come..,

    and they..,

    pronounce the death .. .. to be a suicide. ( Case closed. )
    In America..,

    we “suffer” a mafia.
    They, ( our mafia )


    live openly , standing in the day light..,


    from the darkness..,

    “they,” ( These powerful people .)

    manipulate the world..,

    by way of..,

    the global banking system. ( When they need money .. .. they print it. )

    on Sunday..,

    these “folks” .. carry their bibles to church..,

    where they say their prayers .. .. .. .. to the devil.

    if you mess with them..,


    you to..,

    will jump to your death , from an open window.
    Yota.. ( Miss America )

    She had everything to live for..,

    and.. ..,

    people with everything to live for..,

    do not kill themselves..,

    by jumping out windows .. .. .. .. .. .. ,


    people with everything to live for..,
    get pushed.

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