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“Political Liars Or Just Dolts!”
By Gary Kaltbaum-December 21,2016
Jack Lew…treasury secretary says what? In an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Network, Jack Lew…treasury secretary says “The idea that you cut regulations and you unleash enormous growth in the economy…I don’t think it’s supported by the analysis that I’ve seen of most of the regulatory proposals.”
Really Jack? Who are you trying to kid? Are you trying to kid the coal companies and their employees who are now bankrupt and out of jobs? Are you trying to kid all the financial companies, especially the small ones who have seen their stocks skyrocket in the past month on just the notion that Dodd/Frank would be dismantled? Are you trying to kid all the small businesses that are breathing a sigh of relief on maybe, just maybe all the mandates, all the fees, all the fines, all the taxes and all the regulations, Obamacare and mandated wages your administration foisted upon them would go away? Stop it!  Don’t —- down our backs and tell us it’s raining. The election is over. It is scary that this man, the treasury secretary would actually believe this and he was our treasury secretary. We guess the pieces of the puzzle now fit.
And how about the Washington Post? Yes…the fabulous, unbiased Washington Post that cares so much about their readers. Yes…the Washington Post that posted an op-ed by a Catherine Rampell titled: “Trump’s OMB Pick Seems Poised To Ignite A Worldwide Financial Crisis!” Yes…A WORLDWIDE FINANCIAL CRISIS! Let us be clear. We don’t mind people having opinions. We have opinions. But this op-ed states that deficits will skyrocket and destroy the economy under a Trump administration. Again, who are you trying to kid? The problem is not this op-ed. The problem is that this is the same Washington Post that for 8 years, while Barack Obama foisted $9 trillion of new debt onto the top of our, the taxpayer’s shoulders…the Washington Post did not utter one negative word about Obama’s debt and deficits…not one freaking word. Barack Obama, the worst President in history with our treasure, the taxpayer dollar, gets a pass but the next guy, who has not even stepped foot into office, is going to cause a worldwide financial crisis.
The media is supposed to be our last line of defense against the powerful. The media is supposed to call bad behavior on the carpet. One would think a president who promised to cut debt in half but instead immediately issued an $800 billion stimulus and did nothing about $9 trillion of new debt would be held accountable. Nope! A free pass. Not a word. Not an utterance. Unfortunately, these people are exactly what we expected. They lie and cover up for their favorites and rip to shreds those they do not favor. Not just the Washington Post but many other outlets have sat in silence over the past 8 years, ignoring all negatives yet yelling at the top of their lungs about any positives. We suspect starting with the inauguration, we will see 1460 days of the exact opposite. Good will be bad and bad will be a disaster. The media will finally be curious. The media will finally investigate. Dare we say the media will finally do their job!

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