
Such a nuclear deal!

Try to follow this!

Yesterday, the head honcho, top dog, big cheese of Iran stated that they have never tried, never initiated and never done anything when it comes to trying to make a nuclear weapon. This was yesterday…after “the deal” was done. This administration has stated that they know this is a lie and that in the past, Iran has moved forward with a nuclear weapon.  So, knowing that they are still lying, this administration still cuts a deal with people that:

Gives Iran anywhere between $100-150 billion in assets that were frozen by countries who would not put up with what Iran was doing.

Does not make Iran submit to international inspections anytime, anywhere.

If the UN nuclear dudes find something suspicious, they get to ask Iran to inspect it. Yes…they get to ask. If Iran refuses (which they are good at), an arbitration panel gets to decide whether Iran has to open up the site for inspection…WITHIN 24 DAYS! In other words, there are no guarantees of anything.

Iran still gets to run 6,000-plus uranium centrifuges. Yippee!

Iran does not have to admit or disclose any past nuclear indiscretions.

So…a crapload of money is going to a place that in the past week said death to America and death to Israel. Sanctions are now loosened to get a country that says they never have started nuclear capability to stop the nuclear capability that we know that they have that again the head honcho, top dog, big cheese lied about just yesterday. Since Iran does not have any nuclear capability, why would we have sanctions against them in the first place and if they are still lying about their non-existent nuclear testing, why do we think they will stop lying and if we know they were still lying as of yesterday, why are we giving them a deal in the first place? (OUT OF BREATH)


  1. I am angry and mad. Why can’t we call our representatives and make sure that they can override the pres. veto. You explained everything so simple and why we have to give him everything he wants. When are we going to start fighting for our children and grandchildren? Maybe Donald Trump should start the discussion about defending AMERICA from Iran. Thanks Nina My prayers are with Brian and hope he is doing better.

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