The Realization Phase Continues
“The Realization Phase Continues!” February 11,2016 By Gary Kaltbaum @GaryKaltbaum garyk.com Fox News Business Contributor We are reading that even though Bernie won
“The Realization Phase Continues!” February 11,2016 By Gary Kaltbaum @GaryKaltbaum garyk.com Fox News Business Contributor We are reading that even though Bernie won
SOURCE: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/1d8fd496-cfd1-11e5-986a-62c79fcbcead.html#axzz3znJm522u
Since “the Bern” won last night, we felt it important to repeat some facts about the Bern! The scam and the con called Bernie Sanders!
Just in case you have forgotten! Bear market rallies: Are sharp, quick, make you feel good, get everyone calling a bottom, wipe the smiles off
Stock Market Overview: Stock futures are up nicely after the three day steep sell off we experienced on Wall Street. This appears to be another
Stock Market Commentary: The major indices were simply all over the map. What looked like a good close turned into another drop into the close.
MARIAMPARE.COM SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iaXTIteeg8&feature=youtu.be
Stock Market Overview: Stock futures are down after Friday and Monday’s steep sell-off. Clearly, sellers remain in control of this market as the major indices continue
“CALLING KEVIN BACON…”ALL IS WELL!” February 9,2016 By Gary Kaltbaum garyk.com @GaryKaltbaum Fox News Business Contributor So…now we are hearing about global growth concerns. Thanks