Kaltbaum op-ed on Obama/Kerry and Israel!

“Obama! Coddling the Bad..Pissing All Over The Good”

By Gary Kaltbaum- December 26,2016

While the middle east has continued to burn, while hundreds of thousands have been killed, while genocide is rampant and recently, all over the tube, we saw videos from Aleppo of bombs blowing up, men, women and children killed, video of children buried beneath the rubble and how were Obama, Kerry and the rest of the band of foreign policy geniuses spending their valuable time? Yep…planning, no…better word- scheming against Israel. And don’t piss down our back and tell us it is raining when you say you did not engineer this whole travesty.

So let’s get this straight…Syria, Russia, Nigeria, South Sudan, Libya, Iran and we are just getting started…no worries there. No worries even though this administration has stood by watching the carnage in many of these places (how’s that red line working?). Let’s just take on Israel because they have the nerve to (shut your ears) build communities.

We have been reading that many are really pissed off about this. There is lots of name calling at this administration and lots of anti-semitic talk being thrown around. We would rather just let the facts speak.

Barack Obama has cut sweetheart deals with those bastions of freedom, Iran and Cuba but now as he walks out the door, throws sand in the face of Israel. Yup! A resolution against the miracle in the middle east. The sliver of land (go look at a map) that has built a democracy like no other where Muslims, Jews and Christians live and work side by side. Where you can travel the highways and see big buildings adorned with the names Microsoft, Google, Teva, and many other companies. Where people live in peace while they hear every day by the likes of Iran that they should be blown off the face of the earth. Yes…that dastardly Israel.

In this resolution, as the great Charles Krauthammer explained: “it declares that any Jew who lives in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, the Jewish Quarter, inhabited for 1,000 years, is illegal, breaking international law, essentially an outlaw, can be hauled into the international criminal court or international courts in Europe, which is one of the consequences.”

We have taught our kids to pay less attention to what people say and all attention on what they actually do. Memo to Obama, Kerry, Rice and Powers…we will remember this and will simply let your actions speak. We really weren’t surprised but you have now been found out by many others! You have stood by and watched hundreds of thousands of people die in the middle east. You have listened to Iran, almost daily threaten to destroy Israel and the Jewish state but who do you give away the store to and who do you engineer a resolution against? The good news, in just a few short weeks, bye bye.

One Comment

  1. Don’t get me wrong here, Obama spit in the face of the Jewish people.
    2 questions come to mind. How many Jews voted for Obama in his last 2 elections?
    Did they not know that he’s a Muslim?

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