1. What’s breathtaking to me is how these people aren’t even trying to disguise their economic terrorism any more.. with a justice dept. so utterly corrupt and a scared- of- their- own- shadow legislative body I guess they don’t see the reason to..
    …expect more of the same- it’s in our face just like Madden’s Raiders used to run the same off tackle rush play all day long until the defense proved they could stop them..
    … not that I am a Raiders fan… (I’m reasonable)

  2. The good news is that Americans may be dumb for a while…they are not dumb forever…elections will take care of all this.

    1. Problem with big holes tho is they take a long time to fill back up, there is a lot of destruction going on this time and I really don’t see much more in the way of interventionist workarounds available… it could be a real hard bear just waking up..
      I am ok. and as liquid as can be, but I really worry about the next door neighbor..
      There is obviously a lot at stake on who we replace the POTUS with next year.. but all elections look like the most important one in history… I just hope you are right about the voting public..

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