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Counter-trend Rally Over?

“Counter-trend Rally Over?”


By Gary Kaltbaum-9/18/2015
Fox News Business Contributor
We really didn’t want to write this morning but we are forced into it!

We think there is a good chance that yesterday’s reversal and today’s open ends the bear market counter-trend rally and resumes the bear market. As we have told you, we do not believe markets top out over a few month period and then just turn back up. The more important point is the market’s reaction to the inept Fed.

The market is now starting to act like the boyfriend or girlfriend who broke up with you (the Fed) in college and never wants to hear from you again in spite of you trying. They ignore your calls, your stalking, your notes and messages. (We never stalked)) Markets simply may have fallen out of love with the fed as the game may be up. (Think Boy Who Cried Wolf) You just cannot tell the world everything is fine but not fine enough to raise even a measly 1/4% from the 0% mark. Credibility looks to be shot.

As we have told you for a couple of years, we do not believe the Fed will raise rates until forced to and frankly, we think the next move, unfortunately, is more likely more money printing. Whether or not that lifts markets again is another story.

Look for our gargantuan report on the Fed this weekend as we write how we got to this nonsensical point! Think Bernanke!



  1. fundementals are that bad?

    yellen playing the market game – market pimps want stocks lower and yellen is there to help confuse – a movie sequel.

    the media joining in the sentiment manipulation game

    fox biz? why would I watch children without a conscience?

    next year stocks lower? history don’t say that.

    china in the toilet? yeah right.

    end game? pimps have loaded their pockets with stock and magically one day it’s proclaimed over and its time for u fools to buy again

    and you complain about about dishonesty in govt –

    what word comes to mind when people complain abou
    t others but they themselves are the same as those they complain about.

    but yes ur right govt lies and ………….

  2. Well said, it’s never a problem in the market until it’s a problem. Market will view more QE as a problem…. one day.

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