kaltbaum premarket
No changes…futures somewhat flattish. Would just probe the CRM here…and see if it holds 21 day. Service had before off breakout so there is a cushion. Will watch AMZN for pullback…down a smidge in premarket.
No changes…futures somewhat flattish. Would just probe the CRM here…and see if it holds 21 day. Service had before off breakout so there is a cushion. Will watch AMZN for pullback…down a smidge in premarket.
Just read HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN STOCKS…SUCCESS STORIES. Go get it and read it. You will notice I will be yapping less and just putting out stocks if this continues. MA working…EBAY looks like it could be ready. EXPE inching. Market did not fell like it was down today as a few themes…
https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/InvestorsEdge/010718.mp3 JUST LETTING YOU KNOW Let’s back track a little and look at what happened going into this new year. The market looked like it was going to go higher in late-December. And then all the news of the Fiscal Cliff started bringing it down and it looked like it was bringing it down hard….
Democrats say they want to raise as much as $1 trillion in new revenues through tax reform later this year to balance Republican demands to slash mandatory spending. Democratic leaders have had little time to craft a new position for their party since passing a tax deal Tuesday that will raise $620 billion in revenue…
Neither side has cornered the market on hypocrisy. The conservative kind embarrasses me, because that’s my team and I can’t defend it. The liberal variety, on the other hand, makes me laugh — at them, not with them. Remember the suburban New York newspaper, the Journal News – the paper that printed the names and addresses of…
I am thrilled…I am thrilled because market is down this morning. I am thrilled because the extended foreign markets are pulling in. I am thrilled because the markets need to work off last week’s gap on “news!” That said, unless distribution rears its ugly head, it should be a feast on breakout pullbacks. Do…
Ok…I told you so. I am not thrilled at the outcome but it was a gimmee. I take no pride, no solace and no consolation in knowing what was going to happen. You see…when you go to a horse track, you typically make a bet on past performance. I told you there would be…
BEFORE THE NEW YEAR AND BEFORE THE FISCAL STIFF DEAL, I SAID THIS: “The DOW finished below the 50 and 200 day. The S&P finished below the 50 day but above the 200 day. The NASDAQ/NDX finished below both. The RUSSELL remains above both showing some relative strength in the small caps. The…
Congress has apparently reached agreement on new tax rates to avoid the Fiscal Cliff, although they’re still fighting about spending cuts. The details on taxes are still leaking out. Here’s the best sense of the deal that have been reported so far (these are from the New York Times). We’ll update with more information as we get…
https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/InvestorsEdge/010418.mp3 JUST LETTING YOU KNOW How This is Possible Yesterday and Wednesday, I reported to you something very simple (without telling you to do anything): The Russell 2000 broke out of a two-year base. The New Your Stock Exchange broke out of a two-year base. The Smallcaps broke out of a two-year base. The Mid-caps…