No changes!

No changes!

Wish we had something new to say but Wednesday’s action simply more of the same. A good down open did not last…and the NASDAQ leads while commodities stink. We are in hopes we get some pulling back because it is only in the sell downs can we decipher where the real strength is. This second,…



We are big believers in picking your spots when playing markets. As you know, we believe anything is possible, especially with the GRM. (Government run markets!) But there is a time to attack and a time to be patient. Maybe the markets just keep going higher. After the  Oct 98 drop, governments interfered and markets…

More QE and not by accident! Government run markets get even bigger!

More QE and not by accident! Government run markets get even bigger!

We had so many other things to say today but as we woke up, futures are flying. The first thing we thought was another announcement of printing of money. And away we go. Japan, who we believe has been printing and easy for about 700 years…announces an additional monster amount of printing. This was no…