Vertigo Yet?
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Vertigo Yet?

Up 168…down 158…down 252…up 370…down 117 after being down over 200. Welcome to the nonsense. But for us, these recent wild swings are less important than the big picture and that remains the narrowness in the market, that if not broadened out, will eventually come back to haunt the market as it always does. Nothing…

UPDATE #3…That’s what you get with Government run markets!
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UPDATE #3…That’s what you get with Government run markets!

The European Central Bank cut its deposit rate to a maniacal -0.3%. The cut means banks in effect must pay more for the ECB to hold their money. Futures market s here have given up their earlier huge gains…but don’t blink. As we write this, the German Dax is down 340 points. Ladies and gentlemen,…