After 4,268 DOW points to the downside, the market finally got its counter trend rally. Too many are excited because of how big the day was. We hate to throw cold water but: “BEAR MARKET RALLIES ARE SHARP, QUICK, MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD, SUCK YOU IN AND BURY YOU SOON AFTER!” We coined this phrase….
To those who celebrate, Merry Christmas. We believe there has been a complete loss of confidence in the president, the secretary of the treasury and the head of the central bank when it comes to markets. We do not think it a big deal that the central bank raised rates to a measly 2.25%. We…
-BY GARY KALTBAUM- DECEMBER 23, 2018- -We are really nice people. If we had friends, they would tell you. So when we blast the people in government, it is on behalf of the masses that are hopefully, sick and tired of what these interlopers in the markets have done…enabled massive debt, massive deficits and massive…
Firstly, we find it funny that anyone would expect any better from these miseries in Washington DC from both parties when just about every one of these “leaders” that are paraded on TV have been a part, enabled and spent our tax dollars into oblivion as we are approaching $22 trillion of debt. That’s $22…
-We have been telling anyone who would listen that this Fed was not listening to the markets. We have been telling you this was a problem as markets have been yelling and screaming that the economic numbers were heading south. We have been telling you that this last rate hike was the last and that…
Another economic number comes out much less than expected as durable goods not so good. We prepared you for this weeks ago as we stated the norm for earnings as well as economic expectations would be coming down and most surprises would be to the downside. The DOW is now beyond stretched and extended to…