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“THEY” are the problem!

-Trump proposes a $4.1 trillion budget, the most ever…and THEY complain.
-Last year, we sent them $3.3 trillion and they still couldn’t balance the budget…and THEY complain.
-Every program grows in size again but THEY complain.
-Last month, the taxpayer…we repeat…THE TAXPAYER spent $34 billion on JUST INTEREST PAYMENTS yet THEY complain.
-$34 BILLION DOLLARS JUST TO PAY OFF THE INTEREST…JUST IN ONE MONTH. All caused by the debt THEY created throughout the years…yet THEY complain.
-We should all be sick and tired of THEY as THEY are the culprits. THEY are the ones that are not held accountable. THEY are the ones who continue to hamstring us. THEY are the ones who keep adding to the debt. THEY never stop.
-Yet THEY complain. $4.1 trillion coming out of the economy, coming out of the private sector into the greasy, grimy, sleazy, slimy hands of bureaucrats that could not give a crap about how hard the private sector works not to earn the money they earn but to save the money they save.
-But THEY complain. THEY complain it is not enough. THEY complain spending needs to be higher. THEY complain taxes need to go up even more.
-Have we had enough of THEY yet?