
Something more important than the market!

We will have our normal in-depth market report over the weekend. We know yesterday was a good rebound day but something else is on our mind today.

Racists, racism, racist assclowns is still a problem. As a Jew, I know. I don’t dare publish some of the emails I receive. Maybe I should. But we are now all seeing a bigger problem…and that is using the few that are racists to shoot cops. Using the few to make hay…hear that Sharpton. Using the few to switch the conversation from cops being shot to justifications. For all this, we should all now worry that these, so far, isolated shootings of cops turns into something not so isolated. And then what?

What happens when our men and women in uniform no longer feel safe? What happens when they feel they have a target on their back? The specific problem is that the people that are running the country are not unequivocal in defending the people that defend us. President Obama is very good at coming out and saying the shootings are bad but also continues to use the “but” word. “But” I understand why people are upset…”but” I understand why. There should be no “buts” when it comes to the shootings of innocent men and women in uniforms just like there should be no “buts” when one does the wrong thing and harms an innocent civilian.

“Hands up, don’t shoot!” was a lie. A lie told by lieing witnesses which in turn was told by the usual ambulance chasing race hustlers and a lie then parroted by many…without the facts or any evidence in. It is amazing to see so many continue with these falsities even with the real truth in plain sight. Unfortunately, truth does not matter to those that want to score political points and make hay off of tragedies like this. They had better be careful what they wish for.

One Comment

  1. What Ferguson taught us…

    1) Eric Holder, Barack Obama, and Al Sharpton willfully engaged in shameless, race-baiting demagoguery.
    2) The Leftist press and media can always find the story they are looking for.

    And lets not forget the real victims here. No apology was ever issued to the town of Ferguson or to officer Wilson by the protesters who destroyed the town in weeks-long rioting and looting… These people so thoroughly defamed the police, egged on by various leaders on the Left, including our chief executive, that the result has been wanton attacks upon police elsewhere… and the attacks and killings of law enforcement officers continues even now.

    All this has occurred after repeated justice department investigations led to verdicts which stated clearly and unequivocally: No wrong doing was done by officers involved, nor by any authority in the police department, nor by town officials.

    What we are facing in this country is the peril of a half a century of provocation by demagogues on so-called race issues. Those provoking this have sought to promote themselves by it. Yet this has caused the rise of a recalcitrant sub-culture that now threatens the very foundation of a law abiding society.

    Thank a democrat.

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