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  1. Date: September 18, 2024 at 6:53:08 PM PDT

    Subject: re: Senate bills against antisemitism


    Here’s a letter that I hope you will use to send to President Biden and Kamila Harris. Senator Schumer has not brought up these bills in the senate. If they are not passed now, there will possibly be no chance of passing them in the future. https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/share/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/vicepresident/
    Please write!

    For many months I and thousands of other US citizens have urged Senator Schumer to bring to final Senate vote 4 important bills to combat antisemitism and terrorism: the ICC Sanctions Act (“ISA”), the Antisemitism Awareness Act (“AAA”), the Deterrent Act (“DA”), and the Forfeit Tax Exempt Status Act (“FTESA”).

    The ISA will counter the baseless, anti-Israel threats of the Int’l Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants against PM Netanyahu and DM Gallant, and to prosecute other Israeli officials on bogus charges of “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity”. The AAA will assist the US Department of Education to combat antisemitism in connection with Federally funded education programs and related activities. The reporting requirements in the DA will deter hostile foreign countries and groups from making monetary gifts to US colleges. The FTESA will remove the tax-exempt status of entities which provide financial support to terrorist organizations. While the other 3 bills were filed with the Senate during the Spring 2024, the DW was filed in the Senate early last December.

    Stated differently, for over 11 months (1) Israel has been involved in a war of survival against the combined forces of 5 radical Islamic terrorist groups and Iran; (2) the US Jewish Community and its millions of supporters have been defending against the onslaught of antisemitic attacks throughout the US; and (3) both Israel and the US Jewish Community require assistance through the passage of effective legislation. Nevertheless, the Democrat Senate Majority Leader and the Democrat controlled Senate have declined to set these important bills for a vote. What message does this send to US Jews and to Israel’s supporters so close to the next election?

    Time is very short to enact these bills. Please direct Senator Schumer to bring these bills to vote during September. It will be very unfortunate if these bills are not enacted in time for them to be implemented before Election Day.