Strong day yesterday…duh! Earnings season in full force…not so great…but reactions are good. Market had better be telegraphing good stuff going forward. Will have a list of gappers over the weekend.
Also…except for a few, even the really bad numbers are not getting killed…yet!
Bernie says let the Boston bomber vote. Forget the socialism. Forget he is now a millionaire who flies private jets. Forget that he has never held a job in the private sector. The man says terrorists should be able to vote. What does this have to do with you, your money, markets, economy? Sure…let this guy have the helm.
The lunatic fringe has come out from the facade.
A pertinent question would be why so many Americans are in prison, and why it began to diverge from the rest of the developed world in the 1980’s. Now I can’t quite remember what was happening in that decade.
The US was once a model to the world, no longer.