Overpromising and…

There are many lessons we taught our children. Never lie. Never put anyone down. Lift others up. Study and educate yourself. One of the main lessons we also taught our kids is to be careful about over-promising and under-delivering. We think a good time to talk about this one lesson about what we are seeing in the corporate world. And yes, we are all guilty. We are all optimists. We promised all that the Giants would be in the playoffs this year. But we think it is getting to be a little bit more than a little bit in the corporate world..

Bitcoin at $1 million? How about $13 million? We heard someone say $49 million. They were serious. Said with a straight face.

AI? To be clear, not sure anyone knows how big, how monstrous or how important this will be but there are certainly some darn smart people that believe in it big time. But have you seen the numbers talked about as far as the spend? We are talking yearly spends that the numbers are bigger than most S&P 500 companies.

We never doubt Elon Musk. In fact, we were just outside watching another Space-x rocket lift off. The man is incredible. But may we say but? Tonight, Tesla missed numbers on everything, said 2025 would basically be a throwaway but just wait for 2026 and then said ” I see a path to Tesla being the most valuable company in the world. There is a path to Tesla being worth more than the next top 5 companies combined!” Well…that would be $15 trillion at today’s numbers.

We must admit that we never thought any company would be worth $1 trillion let alone $3 trillion currently with Apple and Nvidia. We must admit we are big time optimists on the future. We just worry some of them numbers are getting up there. It reminds us of other cycles where the late innings had some outrageous statements. We hope they are right.