[email_link] The Obama administration spent $10 billion to create 355 renewable energy jobs per year, according to testimony offered Tuesday before Congress by a Congressional Research
[email_link] The Obama administration spent $10 billion to create 355 renewable energy jobs per year, according to testimony offered Tuesday before Congress by a Congressional Research
[email_link] Whenever the Fed does their thing, we feel it necessary to remind you of our thoughts: The Fed said this, that and the other
“OUR REMINDER OF THE FED INSANITY” By Gary Kaltbaum-June 20,2012 Whenever the Fed does their thing, we feel it necessary to remind you of our
[email_link] This is Jeremey Grantham in 2010. He echoes everything I believe…that there will be another ultimate outcome of flawed and idiotic policy by one
Really no reason to do anything this morning. The problem is that at 1230, the market will tank if the fed does not announce another
See what fed action can do. Just the yapping at 3 pm thursday has done the trick. Today, it was the worst areas with the
[email_link] SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Recession-plagued states diverted scarce money away from pensions to pay for more immediate concerns, leaving a $757 billion hole in
Futures up about half percent as the fed starts two day meeting. I hate the fact that we have to depend on one man’s moves.
Great day for growth today while the dow was down. Hopefully it continues as it will just set more and more things up. Had