kaltbaum email
Ridiculously slow day with commods/financials pulling back a wee bit. A few more days of pullback would go a long way. The only thing
Ridiculously slow day with commods/financials pulling back a wee bit. A few more days of pullback would go a long way. The only thing
[email_link] Earlier this year, as the markets were expecting QE3 from one Fed meeting to the next, I was stating another program would not come
[email_link] SYRIA’S 18-month revolution-turned-war is taking an increasing toll on the population. When opposition fighters entered the capital Damascus and the second city Aleppo in
[email_link] …I mean the NY Times. Just make things up. I can argue this one for hours but won’t waste my time. FOR one of
I will be gone rest of the day for Jewish holiday! Futures down a wee bit…aapl up as they are selling a lot of
First leaders and then notes: AMGN-Actually taking off this list. Look at Friday’s action. AAPL- A little higher after big iphone 5 introduction. AMZN-
[email_link] …saying cutting government spending will not hurt the economy…blah blah blah…they want more spending…just an idiotic excuse. They quote the IMF…blah blah blah…they are