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Nothing new. Crappy day with dow holding up best while aapl leads nasdaq/ndx down. A few thousand earnings reports coming out over next 3
Nothing new. Crappy day with dow holding up best while aapl leads nasdaq/ndx down. A few thousand earnings reports coming out over next 3
[email_link] https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/InvestorsEdge/100818.mp3 JUST LETTING YOU KNOW In today’s market, nothing really stood out. There were some little pullbacks in Housing. Some pullbacks in Financials. There
[email_link] A wireless company profiting from the so-called “Obama phone” giveaway program is run by a prominent Democratic donor whose wife has raised more than $1.5
[email_link] The World’s Largest Money-Laundering Machine: The Federal Reserve The Fed policy’s first-order effect is to issue hundreds of billions in “free money” to banks;
[email_link] Abound Solar, a Department of Energy $400 million loan guarantee recipient that went bankrupt earlier this year, is under investigation by officials in Weld
Whenever there are hardly any long set-ups, it usually means time to correct a bit. Time will tell. Futures wacked today…no news except Europe down
Leading growth names… AAPL- Under distribution and just under 50 day. AMZN- Back up near highs…no issues. ALXN- Only problem is that it
[email_link] By Gary Kaltbaum-Oct 7, 2012 This is the interview Chris Matthews would have done if the Bushies were still in the White House and Jack Welch
[email_link] https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/InvestorsEdge/100518.mp3 JUST LETTING YOU KNOW So let’s talk about the employment numbers first. A few years ago, I had the honor to appear on