More on the markets!
I think it was a few weeks after QE3 that we started to title our reports “NEVER GOING DOWN AGAIN.” We did this because the
I think it was a few weeks after QE3 that we started to title our reports “NEVER GOING DOWN AGAIN.” We did this because the
I think it was a few weeks after QE3 that we started to title our reports “NEVER GOING DOWN AGAIN.” We did this because the
We will get back to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow. Nothing changed. This President came out and took no blame, made no changes and couldn’t
President Obama is the face of the Democrat party. He is the head honcho, top dog, big cheese. Every word out of his mouth, every
There is a reason we have issued a disclaimer both here and on our radio show as the markets were heading lower. The disclaimer simply
We had so many other things to say today but as we woke up, futures are flying. The first thing we thought was another announcement
The Fed will start another round of money printing on any real weakness in the markets. Count on it! Every 10 cent drop in gas
When we thought a near term low was in, we expected a bounce over time into resistance. Instead, it has been a rompin stompin bull