
Earnings time!

As we move into massive earnings and another fed week where they will say blah blah blah, maybe maybe maybe…markets remain range bound but possibly


As we enter the meat of earning’s season, as the ECB continuing to crush their own currency and even with the strong week, the motto

Rangebound to …

Markets have been rangebound for a decent amount of time. They remain rangebound but yesterday’s action took indices above the mid-point of that range with

What did he say?

Raise taxes on producers. Give to government. Government takes their tribute. Government doles out a wee bit. Yup…that’s going to help.  I can be long-winded

Lots of jello moving on the plate!

A few thoughts: The ECB will announce more printing of money in order to buy bonds to keep interest rates down. But interest rates in

Costanza says:

“The sea was angry that day my friends – like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.” Thus the markets. We have

We told you to watch the financials!

On Monday, we told you to watch financials as they were gagging. The gagging continued as JP Morgan numbers were not so thrilling. Their action

Lots of jello moving on the plate!

Yesterday I sarcastically tweeted : Every time market looks ready to break down, close your eyes, hold your nose and buy. NY fed will back