Hey Fidel…We Got 2 Words for You!
How do you spell Communist puke, crappy dictator, represser, destroyer, murderer, thief, plunderer assclown? SOURCE: http://news.yahoo.com/fidel-castro-us-owe-us-millions-133858731.html
How do you spell Communist puke, crappy dictator, represser, destroyer, murderer, thief, plunderer assclown? SOURCE: http://news.yahoo.com/fidel-castro-us-owe-us-millions-133858731.html
5 words to describe the major indices: BEND BUT DOES NOT BREAK! Simple as that. Read carefully. The major indices had another chance to break
“A GOOD OLD FASHIONED CURRENCY WAR?” By Gary Kaltbaum 8/11/2015 @GaryKaltbaum garyk.com Don’t worry. We’ll just gap up 200 tomorrow. Bazinga! What’s all this complaining
We had a nice report for you this morning based on yesterday’s action. Then, China did something with their currency. So the “guess the gap”
SOURCE: http://dailycaller.com/2015/08/10/report-seattle-restaurants-suffer-worse-job-loss-since-the-great-recession/
Yup…the Chavez clan was for the people! Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3192933/Hugo-Chavez-s-ambassador-daughter-Venezuela-s-richest-woman-according-new-report.html
SOURCE: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/08/10/tesla-burns-cash-loses-more-than-4000-on-every-car-sold.html
“Kerplunk Goes the Market” By Gary Kaltbaum-August 10,2015 @GaryKaltbaum garyk.com Kerplunk: The object: try not to lose your marbles. Ker-Plunk takes a steady hand, as you
SOURCE: https://www.investors.com/editorial-cartoons/michael-ramirez/764510-recovery