
More of the same…but!

More of the same. Commodity areas crushed. In fact, energy continues its crash. Yes…that is a slow moving crash. BUT…after the CENTRAL BANK-INDUCED climax low,

Weekend report!

For 5 years, we have been telling you the economy was just ok. We have been telling you we will go back and forth from

ECB puts the cherry on top!

Did you see the Dax yesterday…down 120 because the ECB made no noise about massive printing of money. After all, they have been teasing. But

Like a broken record!

Like a broken record, major indices remain stretched, extended and overbought while bullishness has become rampant. In fact, our sentiment numbers are almost surpassing the

Watch the big financials!

We are watching the big financials here. BAC,C,GS,JPM,MS,WFC are all acting constructively. If they can break out of the range-bound action they have been in,

The Fed continues…!

We had a report about yesterday’s icky action all set for you. We could have talked about any number of things…the Russell again leading on

Bull and bear side by side!

Near term, markets remain stretched and extended to the upside…except as usual, the Russell 2000 and small caps. Bullishness remains rampant with some numbers off

And you thought cronyism was bad here!
