
And we forgot:

Don’t forget Defense stocks ripping to the upside off of France and Russia on the attack. Markets love a good war!

Getting dizzy yet?

Getting dizzy yet? Can’t blame you. One week, market acting like it will crash. Next week, acts like this week. Just keep your wits about

Our Thanksgiving dinner tonight!

Today is the 13th annual (maybe 14th) Kaltbaum Family Blessings Banquet. Every year, we sponsor a Thanksgiving dinner in where over 400 youngsters from Central

Oversold gets bought!

The near-term oversold condition we wrote about yesterday has started to play itself out as just about everything rallies up after last week’s yonking. The

Paris…nous sommes avec vous!

“MARKET YONKING ON CUE” By Gary Kaltbaum- November 16,2015 @GaryKaltbaum Fox News Business Contributor Paris…nous sommes avec vous! We have been specifically telling you

Narrow market gets narrower!

We will have our award winning weekend report for you on Sunday but for today, all we have to do is send you last weekend’s

Retail????? Hmmm!!!!

If the economy is so great…if the Fed was ready to raise rates…if everything was going so smoothly, then why so retail stocks continue to