SOURCE: https://www.wsj.com/articles/corporate-insiders-havent-been-this-uninterested-in-buying-stocks-since-ronald-reagan-was-president-1489055409
SOURCE: https://www.wsj.com/articles/corporate-insiders-havent-been-this-uninterested-in-buying-stocks-since-ronald-reagan-was-president-1489055409
SOURCE: https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/investorsedge/031018.mp3
Futures up nicely this morning. Markets have been tailing off recently but in minor league fashion as the 21 day has contained any drop. Of
SOURCE: https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/investorsedge/030918.mp3
Market had a chance to sell off today…AND DID NOT! But we are still in what we would call stalling/pullback mode. Of note: COMMODITIES continue
All roads lead to easy money forever. They think they are heroes. SOURCE: http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2017/03/09/european-central-bank-leaves-interest-rates-unchanged.html
A few thoughts and the markets: What’s the big difference between Obamacare and Trumpcare? Oh…you can’t think of something either. We actually don’t blame Trump. The