Lots of jello moving on the earnings plate. AAPL and FB the big names open hot and sold into so far as market is down.
Lots of jello moving on the earnings plate. AAPL and FB the big names open hot and sold into so far as market is down.
SOURCE: https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/investorsedge/103019_18.mp3
Just remember: Powell is lowering rates and printing money and doing QE even though he lies to the public about doing QE. Powell is lowering
SOURCE: https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/investorsedge/102919_18.mp3
Those that read our reports and listen to our radio show know that we have been warning about the many “fad-like” stocks and their valuations.
SOURCE: https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/investorsedge/102819_18.mp3
Keeping it short and simple. Off of massive easy and easier money around the globe: Big 4 indices either breaking out of a long trading
Listen Here: https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/investorsedge/102519_18.mp3
Listen Here: https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/investorsedge/102419_18.mp3