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50 numbers from 2014

50 Numbers From 2014 That Reflect On The Times By Michael Snyder at End Of The American Dream blog 2014 was quite a bizarre year,

Biotech trouble?

We have been reporting to you that we thought the biotechs were part of the fed-induced bubble. Bubbles are simply mispriced assets brought on by

Why I loathe the corrupt national media…in one article!

No core. No conscience. Just marbles in their head. Do they even remember their past articles. Source:

Expecting more of the same!

ECB printing…Yellen not raising…Japan printing…China lowering…England printing…and the beat goes on. It’s the holiday. It’s the end of year window dressing. It’s central banks. It’s

Holiday week!

To be blunt, we have been at this for a good long time, but the central bank-induced action we have been seeing as of late

If you are having a crappy day…

Watch this video of Neil Cavuto talking about and interviewing one hell of a courageous woman! SOURCE:

Holy s–t!

We have studied every bull and bear market since the stone age. We have seen most everything. But we have never experienced the printing of

Fed + end of year = rally time!

Leave no doubt, the end of the year combined with a Fed that will never ever ever raise rates…and we get juiced off support for