kaltbaum email

Well…the rigged market moves on cue. It is end of month, end of quarter and end of year…so the first set-up ramps. In case you didn’t know, here was the news today….GE lowered their numbers and economic numbers were terrible. That should lift markets? Yeah…that’s the ticket. You can be in a depression but with Ben printing $85 billion….
I hope you took the SPY or the IWM this morning as the set-up was there. CRM,EBAY moved nicely today…AMGN was blah.
Of course, saw a couple of bearish bank analysts turn bullish…so the banks are up in after hours. I do believe you go probe some C in here as it looks like a good breakout.
Also would be buying AMZN moving above 255.55.
We’ll also look at housing and housing-related names as they are on the move again. Will advise in the morning.