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Greetings from the great city of Orlando!

My city is stunned but it will come back and and will prevail. That is not a cliche’ but a fact. We saw it all today as many lined up to give blood, many have been there for families, great doctors and nurses tended to the wounded and the magnificent people in uniform were out in force. We will not let these barbaric acts get in the way. Prayers to all that have been affected.

Instead of a long-winded report (who cares anyhow right now), we will just tell you last week’s late action was quite suspicious. We do not like that major indices teased a move out and failed. We certainly do not like the action in financials as many breaking down badly. We just think it may be time to go slow here. Of course, we now get to wait for the next nonsense out of Janet and friends on Wednesday. We’ll have a bigger report in a couple days.

Hug your family!