
The Buffett Tax, because it won’t raise revenue, should be understood mostly as Election-Year demagoguery. And like most demagoguery, it is not well grounded in facts.

The basic argument is that the rich don’t pay their fair share in taxes. Rather than data, President Obama relies on anecdote — that Warren Buffett supposedly pays taxes at a lower rate than his secretary does. Let me present some data to the contrary.


SOURCE: http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com


  1. Lets not confuse the issue with facts and figures. It’s much easier to wage class warfare with emotion and perception.

  2. Here is my Challenge to Mr. Buffet. My wife and I earn less then 100k yet we still give 10% to our church and another 3% to other charities. The national average for charity/church giving by the rich is 5%. I challenge Mr. Buffet and all his rich friends to match my 13%. This would amount to far more then the 4.7 billion Obama would collect by raising taxes, and the money would be going directly to good causes . An example of a good cause is St Jude Children’s Hospital

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