kaltbaum email
I think you just go to cash on book the gains in amzn,el,kors,tsco. Will have more on this tonight.
I think you just go to cash on book the gains in amzn,el,kors,tsco. Will have more on this tonight.
[email_link] DOW masking some deterioration. NDX below 50 day…NASDAQ sitting on 50 day. Charts provided by Stockcharts.com
[email_link] Government numbers showing the unemployment rate has fallen under 8 percent for the first time in nearly four years don’t reflect actual business conditions, venture capitalist Ken Langone said on CNBC. Joining a heated debate over the state of the U.S. jobs picture, the Home Depot founder and Geeknet CEO said the most recent U.S. Bureau of…
S&P futures flat…NDX futures down a wee bit. I want to clarify a couple of things. Fact…5 distribution days on nyse and s&p. 3 on the nasdaq. Distribution days do not have to kill markets but they are the sign that a market is tired and a market that can potentially…
[email_link] President Obama touted it in 2010 as evidence “manufacturing jobs are coming back to the United States,” but two years later, a Michigan hybrid battery plant built with $150 million in taxpayer funds is putting workers on furlough before a single battery has been produced. Workers at the Compact Power manufacturing facilities in Holland,…
Nothing new. Crappy day with dow holding up best while aapl leads nasdaq/ndx down. A few thousand earnings reports coming out over next 3 weeks…so probably best to sit. But if something shows up, I will be all over it. AMZN actually could set up for another add-on. Service is up $23 on it….
[email_link] https://archives.warpradio.com/btr/InvestorsEdge/100818.mp3 JUST LETTING YOU KNOW In today’s market, nothing really stood out. There were some little pullbacks in Housing. Some pullbacks in Financials. There was strength today in the Metals and Mining despite the fact that the Euro was very weak. Oils were mixed but I do see a bunch of green there. Just…
[email_link] A wireless company profiting from the so-called “Obama phone” giveaway program is run by a prominent Democratic donor whose wife has raised more than $1.5 million for the president since 2007. Last week a video of a President Barack Obama supporter in Ohio claiming to have received a free phone from the president—“[Obama] gave us a phone!”—went viral,…
[email_link] The World’s Largest Money-Laundering Machine: The Federal Reserve The Fed policy’s first-order effect is to issue hundreds of billions in “free money” to banks; the second-order effect is to destroy the rule of law in the U.S. Let’s start with a few questions about the proper role of the Central State and Central Bank:…
[email_link] Abound Solar, a Department of Energy $400 million loan guarantee recipient that went bankrupt earlier this year, is under investigation by officials in Weld County, Colorado. The company, which received nearly $70 million in loan funding before payments were cut off by DOE in 2011, also received a $100,000 tax break from the Colorado…