gld and slv
Since it was a decent size gap for the metals, you may want to give it the day before selling. Sometimes, they will bounce them…
Since it was a decent size gap for the metals, you may want to give it the day before selling. Sometimes, they will bounce them…
Gold gapping down…so GLD will be below 50 day…take the small loss off probe position. SLV also gapping down but is above 50 day…use a break below $32 to sell. Euro wacked…unwinding last Friday’s half day move to the upside…thus metals hit. Remember, there remains a great case for gold to have a climactic run…
Exactly two years ago, some of the more politically biased progressive media outlets (who are quite adept at creating and taking down their own strawmen arguments, if not quite as adept at using an abacus, let alone a calculator) took offense at our article “In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making… JUST LETTING YOU KNOW Today the market was acting “blah” and then it rolled over late in the day as Harry Reid came and said that they’re getting nowhere with their negotiations on the Fiscal “Stiff.” Just remember what I have told you ladies and gentlemen. We got to the Fiscal Stiff because they…
A little news that nothing getting done on the fiscal stiff hit the markets…but right here…thinking a little vulnerable to pulling in as many things look like they have wedged right into resistance…including some major indices…so we sit tonight. EBAY looking fine but must pay attention to market. GLD just a smidge below 50…
And here in a nutshell is what is wrong with a biased media. Matt Lauer simply tees up Warren Buffett. Does not ask him what the higher taxes will accomplish. Doesn’t ask him about government spending. Doesn’t ask him how this will help the economy or help with the deficits. Just put the ball on the tee…
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has told the country’s senior judges that he did not infringe on their authority when he seized near absolute powers. An aide to Morsi said the decree was limited to “sovereignty-related issues,” but that did not satisfy his critics. The uncompromising stance came during Monday’s meeting between Morsi and members of the Supreme…
NANJING, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) — China’s new round of structural tax cutting is likely to benefit more than 900,000 enterprises nationwide, according to a working conference held here on Monday to discuss the country’s piloting of replacing business tax with a value-added tax (VAT). About 710,000 enterprises have been covered by the tax-cutting program, and…
Futures flat to down just a wee bit. No changes from last night. I still believe this won’t be easy and do not believe a new bull market has started…but thinking we can get more upside into seasonal end of year strength. EBAY is buyable in here…or if you choose…towards a little pullback… JUST LETTING YOU KNOW Today the market was acting “blah” and then it rolled over late in the day as Harry Reid came and said that they’re getting nowhere with their negotiations on the Fiscal “Stiff.” Just remember what I have told you ladies and gentlemen. We got to the Fiscal Stiff because they…