Futures down a wee bit. Considering FDX down $19 and ADBE down $9…that’s not bad. Blah blah blah the fed today. Blah blah blah easier money…blah blah blah. The OIL gap on Saudi news quickly unwinds.
Futures down a wee bit. Considering FDX down $19 and ADBE down $9…that’s not bad. Blah blah blah the fed today. Blah blah blah easier money…blah blah blah. The OIL gap on Saudi news quickly unwinds.
The big story is oil prices and what to do. We freely admit that we dont know. The news is fluid. Normally, we would tell you this move will be fleeting but if the Saudis come back and state it will take a long time to get back on line, that would be less than…
SAUDI OIL ATTACKS…oil prices higher…oil stocks gap up…buy into gold and bonds…markets down but not by much. The question is what next? The president used the language “locked and loaded!” Stay tuned. Markets have ripped the stuffings out of growth and into value. Not sure that lasts. The good news is Saudi oil not as…
Sorry…these presidential debates are supposed to pull the covers off of all the proposals coming from the presidential candidates. These debates are supposed to hold feet to the fire. These debates are not for a candidate to provide their talking points. Unfortunately, for the most part, these debates were just that. We do have to…
A couple of themes still playing out. In the past few days, value has taken over growth. This after a whole year of the opposite. We were sent a study that in the past few days, stocks under $5 were up 20%. When we do our scans, unbelievable moves from stocks that were at new…
The changing of the guard we have been writing about made itself felt even more yesterday. For almost a year, it was easy to tell you to avoid foreign markets, value, commodities, transports, small caps, mid caps and oils. They are now coming on like gangbusters. A ton of stuff that have been sitting at…