Just another ridiculously priced start-up IPO!
SOURCE: http://www.wsj.com/articles/pure-storage-ipo-to-serve-as-tech-market-bellwether-1444150779
SOURCE: http://www.wsj.com/articles/pure-storage-ipo-to-serve-as-tech-market-bellwether-1444150779
In our weekend report, we simply felt several things were starting to occur that needed to be watched. We thought a good low was put in the market off of three straight reversal days to the upside right at vital support. We thought oils were trying to turn the corner to the upside. We thought…
We thought A low was being put in the market last week. Monday’s action made the low A better low. Markets have recognized there will be no rate hike. Just a word to the wise. Bear market rallies are sharp, quick, make you feel good, get people calling the bottom, suck you in and then…
On a short-term basis, we were sure on Thursday that the market was carving out a low as we had two days reversing to the upside off of monstrously significant support areas. By 10 AM Friday, we thought we were idiots. By the close, we think we got the short-term low correctly.Notice the words short-term….
Since we are getting quite a few emails today, we thought we would answer the big question everyone is asking. General Hospital hasn’t even started yet and the markets are again rebounding from another ugly open. We continue to think August lows are going to hold for now. Markets did a good job of holding…
We were really going to take the day off today from writing to you…but after the fake employment number (just check out the participation rate), we figured we’d let you know our thoughts. We told you the market was forecasting a big slowdown or a recession. We did not have to predict this. The market…
Most indexes appear to have (for one day) held at the Double Bottom area we have outlined for you. A double bottom occurs when a low is hit, rallied off of, then retested with a successful hold. The problem is there is really no telling if this is just the “end of quarter” bs that…
We remember 1998 very well. There was some sort of Russian Ruble crisis. The market shaked and shuttered. The market topped out in July, had a vicious drop into the end of August (akin to the drop we just had into late August). It then rallied up into declining moving averages before failing (just like…
This remains a global bear market, way overdue because of maniacal central banks that refused to and continue to not let markets be. Asset bubbles always lead to big cracks and to be clear, you are seeing big cracks. Asset prices should have never gone so far. Over the weekend, we penned these words: “Before the recent…
“THE BEAR MARKET CONTINUES” September 28,2015 By Gary Kaltbaum @GaryKaltbaum garyk.com Fox News Business Contributor We would like to tell you there was any good news in anything we are seeing in the market but sorry…no can do. In fact, we think things are just worsening. To get the shorter-term out of the way, after…