Why would anyone buy shares in China if one can’t sell?
SOURCE: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/10/world/asia/in-china-a-forceful-crackdown-in-response-to-stock-market-crisis.html
SOURCE: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/10/world/asia/in-china-a-forceful-crackdown-in-response-to-stock-market-crisis.html
Greetings again from Tokyo as we were warned about typhoon season…and typhoon season we have received. We are writing this Wednesay 3 pm Tokyo time. Having a blast here and now Mets 6 up with a rousing comeback with 24 to go. Looks like there was a lot of conference calls over the weekend between central…
“MARKETS IN NO MAN’S LAND!” By Gary Kaltbaum @GaryKaltbaum garyk.com Fox News Business Contributor Greetings from Japan…a magnificent place to visit. Visited Kyoto, Nara, Osaka and of course, Tokyo. We will be back home Sunday from our 25% business trip, 75% fun. No really, we are hear on a wee bit of business. We were all…
It is 730 pm Friday night here in this great city. Yes…we are 13 hours ahead. Jet lagging and jet dragging right now. Just a brief but nauseating note on yesterday. It sucked. Whenever markets are up big and give it back, we consider it as a day where the buyers could not hold as…
Greetings as we continue our trek to Tokyo. Loving these long trips. We had 3 simple thoughts coming into this week that we wrote you about: 1) We were not out of the woods yet! Check! Market fell 600 points in 2 days. We just thought that first bungee jump bounce was just that. 2)…
“THE BULL CASE” September 2, 2015 By Gary Kaltbaum @GaryKaltbaum garyk.com Fox News Business Contributor Bazinga! As of this second, not feeling the bull case just yet but as we take off for Tokyo today, we just wanted to leave you with what potentially can turn into the bull case. As we have stated, we…
OK…we won’t. We’ll just let a 584 point-2 day yonking this week speak for itself. Not saying we are not just going lower but after 584 points down in 2 days after the first big bounce off lows, time to kick back again and see how things play out. Just remember, every day market stays…
” WE REPEAT! BEWARE! THIS AIN’T OUT OF THE WOODS” By Gary Kaltbaum @GaryKaltbaum garyk.com Fox News Business Contributor We told you yesterday to beware. Major tops in the markets around the globe do not normally end after a few days down…albeit a big few days. Yesterday was kinda gross and now this morning, yonk!…
SOURCE: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/30/business/sec-settlement-with-citigroup-holds-no-one-responsible.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nytcore-ipad-share
By Gary Kaltbaum @GaryKaltbaum GaryK.com Fox News Business Contributor A few thoughts in and out of the market: The Mets are 5.5 games ahead with just 32 games left to play. We can finally watch baseball into the end of the season. The national media has been mostly silent on this but insurers just won huge…