A three day conference on terrorism that does nothing to stop terrorism!
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A three day conference on terrorism that does nothing to stop terrorism!

So the Prez is having a three day meeting on terrorism. But it has turned into nothing more than “why would they do such things?” We are sure we do not know of the meetings behind closed doors on what to do about the ever-growing Isis and their ever-growing list of death. We are somewhat…

And closer!
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And closer!

What do you know? Sweden’s Riksbank is now delving into the negative interest rates world and also announcing their own printing of money to…you guessed it…buy bonds. The question is why would anyone buy their own bonds that have negative yields? Simple. They are following the template of Bernanke and the rest thinking it will…

Still in that nauseating trading rage but a couple of important changes!
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Still in that nauseating trading rage but a couple of important changes!

Support held Monday morning at the lower end of the trading range leading to another jack to the upper end of the trading range. The swiftness tells you how paper thin the trading is…both ways. But we think the market hit a near term high at resistance on Friday…which probably leads to some more pulling…