These are the actual numbers on interest payments we the people pay on the debt created by the miserable failures in Washington DC. Just last month, $34 billion…we repeat, $34 BILLION was sent into the s—thole. Imagine how many impoverished children could be helped with $34 billion. Imagine how many roads could be fixed. Remember,…
$1.7 billion of new debt was created today but a firing of one person will destroy the republic! Last month, this govt paid $34 bil in interest payments to carry the debt they created but one man’s firing will end the republic! Let me repeat that, last month, our government, that created all the debt,…
We may be a few days late but seriously! Do you believe the Washington Post let Jon Gruber write an op-ed on the healthcare bill having the grapefruits to blame the new President on the failure of Obamacare? Do you believe the man who admitted that he and the administration lied to the American public…
No changes. In fact, things accentuated…especially the mega-cap tech/internet areas. You know the names. AMZN, GOOGL, PCLN and a few others. Many are stating this is the climactic move in these names and be wary. We will let the market decide. We are of the belief we remain in a central bank-induced bubble but bubbles…
Those that follow us religiously, (all 8 of you) know we have been negative on commodities of all stripes for a good while…starting with the oils at the end of January. We remain with that stance as there continues to be no serious accumulation and any decent chart patterns in that area. This includes steel,…
Futures flattish. Being asked why market not up better after French election. Simple…because the dude was ahead by 25-30 points. Was already in the market. On top of that, what changes? France and the EU continue to be a money printing, negative rate, debt laden, deficit dove, socialist paradise. But I do like visiting Paris…will…
“THE TEMPLATE NEVER CHANGES” By Gary Kaltbaum- May 7, 2017 -The modus operandi of the socialist left is to create new entitlements that are impossible to repeal because of the ganging up by the left and the media calling the other side heartless. To a large extent, it works…or they would not be using the…