Random whining and oh yeah…a little on the market!

Random whining and oh yeah…a little on the market!

A few complaints…which will lead me to the market. Evidence that the nuthouse is still full. Venezuela elected to the U.N. security council. Dems continue to lie and complain that there isn’t enough money for the CDC to fight Ebola. “Not enough money” and Washington do not go hand in hand as government spending is…

The Fed has been wise and courageous with it’s policy!

The Fed has been wise and courageous with it’s policy!

The Fed has been wise and courageous with its policy. No…we don’t believe that. Lloyd Blankfein does. Yes…the Head of Goldman says the Fed is wise and courageous. MEMO TO LLOYD…courageous is our soldiers who head into harm’s way every day. There is nothing courageous about a few unelected people who press buttons on computers…

And as we said would happen…the Fed now intervenes!

And as we said would happen…the Fed now intervenes!

Saint Louis Fed President James Bullard says Fed should delay ending QE! With that, the Fed is now targeting the market again. A statement like this is not by chance…it is by choice and it is on purpose. We hate Central Banks…especially our Central Bank that believe they are omnipotent and believe they can engineer…



CLASSIC TOPPING PROCESS LEADS TO CLASSIC MARKET TOP… LEADS TO SLOW CRASH! By Gary Kaltbaum President, Kaltbaum Capital Management Fox News Business Contributor Unfortunately, the process has led to the market top of consequence that we thought was occurring. Now we are seeing the market ‘event” that we were worried about. We do not like…