Communistic socialism does the trick!
Major indices have either edged above breakout levels or are about to from 11 week trading ranges. If successful and all evidence so far looks good, do not argue. Remember, if the S&P 500 breaks out, that represents 500 names. If the NASDAQ 100 breaks out, that represents 100 names and so on. As we…
What do you know? Sweden’s Riksbank is now delving into the negative interest rates world and also announcing their own printing of money to…you guessed it…buy bonds. The question is why would anyone buy their own bonds that have negative yields? Simple. They are following the template of Bernanke and the rest thinking it will…
Major averages are now on the verge of going topside. We never jump the gun but with yesterday’s action, we are getting closer. There is nothing bad about a move above the range…as long as the move holds. Aren’t we geniuses? The important part of yesterday’s action was the SEMIS. As you know, they are…
Just a short note this morning: Despite the 50-50 market. Despite the many areas that are not working. Despite not having a bear market since the big flood of 42. Despite nary a good correction…despite all of this, major indices continue to be range-bound. There is an old motto…if they can’t sell them off, they…
Here is Friday’s show. The show posted was wrong. Should be fixed soon. Sorry. Stop yelling!
Support held Monday morning at the lower end of the trading range leading to another jack to the upper end of the trading range. The swiftness tells you how paper thin the trading is…both ways. But we think the market hit a near term high at resistance on Friday…which probably leads to some more pulling…