White House not releasing IRS docs…you expect anything different?
SOURCE: http://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/232249-feds-wont-release-irs-targeting-documents
SOURCE: http://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/232249-feds-wont-release-irs-targeting-documents
SOURCE: http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/chart-of-the-day-global-central-banks-now-monetizing-more-than-100-of-sovereign-debt-issuance/
Just a short note this morning: Despite the 50-50 market. Despite the many areas that are not working. Despite not having a bear market since the big flood of 42. Despite nary a good correction…despite all of this, major indices continue to be range-bound. There is an old motto…if they can’t sell them off, they…
Here is Friday’s show. The show posted was wrong. Should be fixed soon. Sorry. Stop yelling! https://www.mediafire.com/download/yusxngaltutpdo3/150206.output.mp3
Support held Monday morning at the lower end of the trading range leading to another jack to the upper end of the trading range. The swiftness tells you how paper thin the trading is…both ways. But we think the market hit a near term high at resistance on Friday…which probably leads to some more pulling…
SOURCE: http://fb-170.lifebuzz.com/jim-carrey/
Over the weekend, we told you the market was at important support and that a goal-line stand was needed. Holy crap Batman! Not only was it a goal-line stand, but the reversal Monday has led to a major league ramp back to the mid to upper levels of the trading range. This is the same…
How we got to the point where tenured ex-professors get to print trillions of dollars without any accountability is beyond all reason. These people have never even run a lemonade stand. SOURCE: http://thehill.com/policy/finance/231822-fed-fires-back
Yesterday’s promising day ended not so promising as news out of Greece…yes Greece…sent the market sliding into the close. But have no fear, Greece will get everything they want. On top of this, China just eased again overnight to the tune of $100 billion. Am I reading that right? The lower end of the range…
SOURCE: http://nypost.com/2015/02/03/funds-pour-in-for-detroit-man-who-walks-21-miles-to-from-work/