K-Cup Economics – Comparing Coffee Costs with Keurig $GMCR
Source: http://www.wsj.com/articles/year-end-budget-fight-is-taking-shape-1436741315
Apple’s Share of Smartphone Industry’s Profits Soars to 92% WSJ The Unaffordable Care Act WSJ Fmr IMF Chief: Latest Greek Proposal in Line with Creditors’ Demands- Fox Business U.S. Treasury’s Lew Encouraged by Progress in Greek Talks – Fox Business Portents of World Cyberwar WSJ
Good: Bulls showed up and defended longer term support (200 DMA) Crude oil plunged 13% in the past two weeks. Good because it lowers costs and bad because it signals weaker demand Bad: China has to interfere in markets to stop them from going down Greece remains in limbo. Another deadline set for Sunday….
Here is a brief sample of some of the measures the Chinese government and the PBOC have unleashed in just the past ten days to prop up the crashing market include: a ban on major shareholders, corporate executives, directors from selling stock for 6 months freezing more than half (1400 at last count per Bloomberg)…
One country has to arrest people if they sell short, stop people from selling and prop up markets with borrowed money. Another country is proposing getting a huge loan to pay off a huge loan with both lenders and borrowers admitting the bucks will never get paid back. And our country, the one with $18…