The $500-a-Month Workout Habit
New numbers show just how many will pay extra for fewer choices; barre, boxing and Bikram yoga over big gyms
New numbers show just how many will pay extra for fewer choices; barre, boxing and Bikram yoga over big gyms
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China Stocks Plunge Amid Fears of Beijing Pulling Back – WSJ July FOMC Meeting Setting the Table for Rate Hike – Fox Business Teva to Buy Allergan Generics for $40.5 Billion – WSJ Durable Goods Orders Rise More than Views – Fox Business Nike, Apple Agree to Settle Nike+ FuelBand Suit – WSJ
Sorry about the length but we have some important things to add from our recent reports of a narrowing market. Over the past weeks, months and in some cases, over the past year, we have been telling you to avoid all the areas of the market that had topped and went into their own private bear…
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