Required Reading Of The Day
Scandal rocks Volkswagen Tsipras Sworn in as New Prime Minister Oil Rallies on Boost in Gasoline Prices Lennar 3Q Profit Rises 26 Percent White House ‘quite concerned’ by reports about Volkswagen
Scandal rocks Volkswagen Tsipras Sworn in as New Prime Minister Oil Rallies on Boost in Gasoline Prices Lennar 3Q Profit Rises 26 Percent White House ‘quite concerned’ by reports about Volkswagen
“COUNTER-TREND RALLY ENDS” By Gary Kaltbaum- September 21,2015 @GaryKaltbaum Fox News Business Contributor When you take a step back and forget about all the noise (the Fed) surrounding us and just go back to what we have been telling you about the forest, it was not really hard to figure out why we wrote…
“HAS THE CENTRAL BANK PARTY FINALLY HIT THE WALL?” By Gary Kaltbaum-September 21,2015 @GaryKaltbaum Fox News Business Contributor We usually like to keep our reports short and pithy but felt this a good time to hit you with both bazookas. The following is a fair compilation of our thoughts both past and present. Starting in…