End of Month!
Earnings stink…sales stink…debt exploding…commodities in a deflationary spiral…central banks print 15-20 trillion…0% rates everywhere…negative rates in many places…Europe about to ease again…China intervenes on every down day…the Giants stink…my pinched nerve in my neck hurts…the nutjobs are out telling us global warming…we mean climate change is the biggest threat to the world. All’s well! As…

November Jobs Report Highlights Week Ahead @FoxBusiness

Black Friday Action Muted as Shoppers Spend Online @FoxBusiness

Wal-Mart Site Struggles to Handle ‘Doorbusters’ @FoxBusiness

Holiday shopping unlikely to cheer many investors

Dollar rises on ECB, SNB rate-cut expectations

Required Reading Of The Day
Mugshot of Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter released FAST FOOD FUROR: Miss. man kills parents after they didn’t get any food for him Mortar attack on UN base in north Mali kills 3, 20 hurt North Korea tested submarine-launched missile, but launch failed: report

NFL Thanksgiving Ticket Prices Down From Last Year @FoxBusiness

Have Thanksgiving Day Retail Efforts Plateaued? @FoxBusiness