UPDATE #3…That’s what you get with Government run markets!
The European Central Bank cut its deposit rate to a maniacal -0.3%. The cut means banks in effect must pay more for the ECB to hold their money. Futures market s here have given up their earlier huge gains…but don’t blink. As we write this, the German Dax is down 340 points. Ladies and gentlemen,…

So what changed?
“SO WHAT CHANGED” By Gary Kaltbaum December 3, 2015 garyk.com @GaryKaltbaum Fox News Business Contributor So let’s presume Janet Yellen makes the gargantuan move of taking the fed funds rates from 0-1/4% to 1/4%. When we wake up the next day: We will still be at 1/4% fed funds. We will still have printed…

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And Thursday morning:
Monday sells off during market hours. Tuesday gaps up getting back all of Monday’s losses. Wednesday sells off during market hours. Thursday gaps up getting back all of Wednesday’s losses. See a pattern? Yesterday, Yellen blah blah blah! Today… Europe will again maniacally ease with lower rates and more printing of money. There is your…

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Bidders Emerge for Yahoo’s Internet Business @FoxBusiness

OPEC unlikely to cut without non-OPEC: senior delegate

U.S. confirms import duties on melamine from China