Oil Falls Hard On Wed as U.S. supplies swell, Fed Hikes
Fed hikes rates with caution U.S. housing data signals economic strength; manufacturing weak 2:41pm EST Hung jury declared in Baltimore police officer’s trial3:24pm EST Obama administration authorizes $1.83 billion arms sale to Taiwan 1:19pm EST Rouhani: U.N.’s closure of probe into Iran’s nuclear past is political victory
December 16,2106 By Gary Kaltbaum garyk.com @GaryKaltbaum Fox News Business Contributor Fox Business Network will be covering the Fed on Neil Cavuto’s Coast to Coast starting at 12pm all the way into the end of the day. Do not miss a minute. Coming out of the weekend, we had two overriding market thoughts. The big…
Stock Market Overview: U.S. stock futures are relatively up nicely in the premarket as the world continues to wait for the Fed meeting and the post-meeting press conference. Stocks bounced nicely on Monday and Tuesday off of deeply oversold conditions. Irrespective of what the Fed does today, for us, the most important thing to watch is…