If UnitedHealth Exits Obamacare – What Happens to Premiums? @FoxBusiness
Venezuela deals first blow to ‘Chavismo’ DOJ to examine Chicago police; no charges in second shooting Turkey defends ground troops in Iraq as tensions escalate Viacom CEO Dauman addresses concerns about Redstone Familiar issues loom in Colorado shooting case
We have never understood why “smart” private equity people pay outrageous amounts of money to buy companies. The latest example is today’s deal to buy GMCR for $92 in cash. The stock has been dead in the water for over a year and the company’s business is contracting. We just want to ask the question:…
“CONTINUES TO BE LESS THAN MEETS THE EYE!” December 7, 2015 By Gary Kaltbaum garyk.com @GaryKaltbaum Fox News Business Contributor Our trusty Abacus tells us that the S&P 500 was up a whopping 1.58 points this past week. If you were asleep for the whole week, you would’ve thought nothing happened. Not true. On Tuesday the…