Clintons-Capitalists with their money…socialists with your money!
SOURCE: http://heatst.com/politics/penn-state-chelsea-clinton/

The Closing Look
Before Thursday’s open, the ECB held their latest meeting and did not increase or extend QE and held rates steady. Initially, that disappointed some investors who wanted more easy money from the ECB. Mario Draghi, head of the ECB, said the European central bank did not discuss an extension of QE but did say the program will…

The Morning Look
Market Update: Stock futures are nicely lower ahead of Friday’s open as the market continues trading in a relatively tight range just below record highs. Gary’s Thoughts: Yuck open. We shall see what comes of it. Remember, tight range, low volatility and a lot of bullishness. One other note…Apple will not give out numbers on…

Apple Won’t Announce iPhone 7 Opening Weekend Sales Numbers

Fed Urges U.S. Ban on Wall Street Buying Stakes in Companies

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