Janet Yellen was quoted as saying there are gigantic holes in the financial system and warns of another potential financial crisis. Now that’s funny. The woman, along with Bernanke, brought us 8 years of 0% interest rates, the printing of almost $5 trillion and in concert, had Europe and Japan print and actually go into…
-First:- -Macron announces wage hikes and tax cuts. Let’s see, spend more taxpayer money without any productivity gains with wage hikes but take in less taxpayer money by lowering taxes…you know, the taxes that pay all the wages. Sure…that will work! – -Second:- -Vote yes on Brexit. Wait 2.5 years. Negotiate something that looks like…
Futures reversed overnight. Were down 200…now down just a wee bit…but was actually up nicely 30 minutes ago. Let’s not forget a few important factors. MAJOR INDICES are now sitting at or near the lows that have now been hit three times. The last time was Thursday, where the market experienced a strong reversal. Friday…
As we rapidly approach the end of 2018, it is time to let you know what we are seeing as well as thinking on any number of subjects. As you know, we really do believe price talks, markets talk and we must listen. This report will cover some facts and some worries. We will have…
-“IF AT FIRST YOU DON’T SUCCEED, TRY, TRY AGAIN!”- -December 7th…National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day! If you have a chance, please go visit and learn of the heroics. -Bernanke strikes again. No longer will we be calling Jay Powell by his name. His…
-By Gary Kaltbaum- Midday December 6, 2018- -OK…it’s a long day but how about a potential positive for a change…BUT JUST FOR THE NEAR TERM!- -Since we are being asked…a couple hours ago we noted how strong TECH/INTERNET/GROWTH/BETA was in relation to the DOW being down 700. As we write this, the DOW is still…